Fressingfield sign
The History of Fressingfield

Fressingfield picture

FRESSINGFIELD is a large and pleasant village and parish, situated on an eminence, 4½ miles from Harleston railway station, 4 from Stradbroke, and 9 from Eye, in the Eastern division of the county, IIoxne hundred and union, Harleston county court district, Hoxne rural deanery, Suffolk archdeaconry, and Norwich diocese. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a fine old building, in the Perpendicular and Florid styles, with square tower, containing a peal of 8 bells and clock, ancient Gothic porch, nave, aisles and chancel: the interior is lighted by twelve clerestory windows, and the roof is of beautifully carved oak: the pulpit and seats are of oak, handsomely carved: in May, 1865, an organ, by Bevington and Son, of London ...... [Post Office Directory Directory of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk & Suffolk 1869]

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Currently available data for Fressingfield
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External sites and information with relevance to Fressingfield

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Page last updated: 13 Jul 2022
© Diss Family History Group & Nigel Peacock 2022