Tharston Past
Other Nearby Villages
The categories below will find all the entries in the particular dataset. Some of these may be quite long. To refine the list to specify which records to return, please use the
simple or advanced
Absent Voters Lists
Parish Records
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
Absent Voters Lists
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
The Forncetts
Forncett St. Mary
Census Returns
(1921 only)
Parish Records
Absent Voters Lists
Trade Directory Entries
Electoral Registers
(1872, 1873, 1874) ***
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
Forncett St. Peter
Census Returns
(1891 to 1921 only)
Parish Records
Absent Voters Lists
Electoral Registers
(1873) ***
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
National Registration
Census Returns
(1921 only)
Absent Voters Lists
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
Census Returns
(1921 only)
Parish Records
Absent Voters
(1918 - 1921)
Electoral Registers
(1873) ***
Land Owners
(1873 Modern Domesday) ***
Probate Records
*** By comparing the information within the 1873 Electoral Roll and the Modern Domesday, a better understanding of the land ownership within a village can be reached. Looking at Electoral Rolls close to 1873 can also help.
Page last updated: 29 Nov 2023
© Nigel Peacock 2023